Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Final Countdown

It's finally Wednesday of our last week in MN--in 48 hours, we'll be driving toward Appleton with all of our stuff! Jeremiah's last day of work is tomorrow, and I'm only in for a half-day on Friday, so while I'm at work he'll be working with movers to get the truck loaded--then he'll set off for WI, with me following after work. So that's it! All our stuff, packed up and moved out in a matter of hours. We've spent the whole last weekend (and every night thereafter) packing boxes. We've made several trips to Target for plastic totes and bubblewrap... and it feels great to finally have everything boxed up (well... for the most part. It seems that, every time I move, there's always several things that just don't make it into boxes... for those items, we'll just shove them in the car and move on!).

It's almost surreal--we'll be back near our family in no time! I'm so happy and I can't wait to see everyone!!! :)


bizzevzz said...

What an interesting blog - I love reading or your experiences and seeing the pictures. Am also glad the two of your are closer to home and to your families!

Columbia said...

Oh my, it has been soooo long since I updated my blog or looked at yours! I hope everything is going okay- it is so much fun to still chat with you by work email.

I just updated my librarything account, and am racking my brain for something to talk about on Blogger.